Environment International Law and Institutions

Code UE : US173K

  • Cours
  • 4 crédits



Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

Master in Management MIM M2 electives: Sustainable Development & Global Quality Management

Objectifs pédagogiques

The module intends to familiarize students with recent developments in international sustainable development law, a field emerging at the  intersection between international economic, environmental, and social law.  
It aspires to give them a long-awaited coherent approach which can assist to address conflicts and overlaps between international economic, environmental, and social regimes.
This course intends to provide participants with the basics of an understanding of principles, tools and main elements to apply in their own business environment. 

Compétences visées

At the end of the lectures, the student should be able: 
  • to apprehend  the legal aspects of sustainable development, in terms of norms, treaties, bilateral agreements, and any other mechanism for cooperation
  • to show a more comprehensive approach for understanding conflict  overlaps between international economic, environmental and social regimes
  • to raise reflectivity on a new international architecture of sustainable development governance


  • Sustainable Development Concepts. Policies & Laws
  • Principles of International Laws on Sustainable Development (economic, social, environmental laws)
  • International architecture of Sustainable Development governance (trade, natural resources, human rights, poverty, health, biodiversity, climate change, etc)

Modalité d'évaluation

Evaluation Scheme: 
Final presentation: 100%  
Achievement assessed by one or several of the following: Continuous assessment, Group or individual presentation, Final examination, Attendance


  • CORDONIER SEGGER MC., KHALFAN A. : Sustainable Development Laws

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants


Cnam - IIM - EPN stratégies - Programmes Master in Management (MIM)
EPN15, 2 rue Conté bureau 31.2.31
75003 Paris
Tel :00 33 1 58 80 85 64
Sophie Le Liboux
Voir le site

Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.

Enseignement non encore programmé