International projects
As a lifelong learning institution, the Cnam is involved in many international collaboration projects. In recent years our involvement in these projects has continued to flourish. The Cnam has responded to calls for multilateral projects from the European Union and the Francophone University Agency (AUF). All with the financial support of French public funding departments and agencies such as the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), Expertise France (EF) and the French Development Agency (AFD).
Working in close cooperation with socio-economic partners, the Cnam is particularly involved in the co-construction of its study programmes, the training of its academic staff and using its know-how in areas such as the prior experience recognition scheme (VAE), apprenticeships and professional training contracts and also the use of digital learning tools and resources: ODL/ MOOCs/SPOCs.
In the section below you will find the details of our collaboration projects where the Cnam has acted as a coordinator or as a partner.
2012-2016 : Mie-GVF
Master’s degree in the infrastructure and operation of High-Speed Rail Transport in the Russian Federation and Ukraine (Master infrastructure exploitation Grande Vitesse Ferroviaire en Fédération de Russie et en Ukraine). The MieGVF project is an integral part of a major geopolitical and financial issue on a European and global scale: High Speed Rail Transport. The objective of the project is to create a new curriculum « Master’s degree in the infrastructure and operation of high-speed rail transport (MieGVF) », compatible with the 2nd year of the Bologna process master’s degree by providing a preparation in the disciplines of management of the infrastructure and operation of high-speed railways. More
2012-2016 : ADIP
Distance learning and pedagogical innovation in Lebanon and Egypt. In order to face the challenge of employability and training including lifelong learning, this project has been designed as a global and integrated process contributing to the modernization of the EESR (Etablissements d’Enseignement Supérieur et de Recherche – Establishments of higher education and research) by introducing structural reforms. This project aims at reforming the teaching methods through pedagogical innovation including digital aspects to provide a better training-employment match thanks to the motivation and expertise of the partners. More
2013-2017 : QESAMED
Quality in Mediterranean Agronomy Higher Education (Qualité en Enseignement Supérieur Agronomique en Méditerranée). The main objective of the QESAMED project is to develop the capacity for adaptation of the higher education and vocational education system of Algeria, the Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia in the domain of agronomy by professionalizing the courses and by pursuing the continual improvement approach within the training and applied research institutions. More
2015-2018 : LPEB
Professional bachelor’s degree in open and distance learning for energy and environmental performance of buildings in Russia, Azerbaijan and China. The project is associated with a deep transformation of professional practices in the building trade by professionalizing training programs in energy and climate engineering. It creates a new professional bachelor’s degree for energy and environmental performance of buildings in compliance with the Bologna Process. More
2015-2018 : Eure.K
Validation and certification of European key competences. Eure.K aims to produce a European memorandum for the validation, recognition and definition of the certification methods for 8 Key competences framework of the European Union based on the observation and the certification of systems designed to assess and validate the framework in the partner countries. More
2015-2018 EBPB
Civil Engineering, sustainable construction and BIM bachelor’s degree. The project for a European bachelor’s degree is the fruit of a partnership between the Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France, the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, the Lillebaelt Academy of Applied Sciences in Odense, Denmark and the Borgund Vidaregåande Skole in Norway. The purpose of this project is to offer Danish, Norwegian and French students the possibility of undertaking higher studies in the field of building and construction on a European scale. On completion of this curriculum, the students concerned can obtain a double diploma (one Danish diploma and one French diploma) and acquire international professional experience plus intercultural and linguistic skills. This project also offers the opportunity to acquire acknowledgement on a European scale via a shared apprenticeship program recognized by the partner countries. More
2016-2019 : CreE.A
Creation of a European area of Mediation for social inclusion. The countries of the European Union are faced with new challenges: an influx of migrants and violent extremism. In such a context, mediation for social inclusion stands out as a leading response to both of these issues. This is in particular due to its intercultural dimension and its aspect of proximity for preventing family, social, professional and identity breakdowns and school dropouts all of which can lead to violent extremism. More
2016-2019 : INOVIA
The Latin-American University, at the core of issues of sustainable technical and social innovation in the territorial agri-food sectors. This project is dedicated to the development of the capacity to adapt of higher and vocational education in Brazil, Costa Rica and Bolivia in the field of the agro-food sector by professionalizing the education system and fostering its integration in production. More
2016-2019 : AFREQEN
Teaching quality for renewable energies in North and West Africa. The main purpose of the AFREQEN project is to develop a capacity to adapt the higher and vocational education system in Algeria, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia in the field of renewable energies and the environment, by professionalizing the courses and pursuing the continual improvement approach within the training and applied research institutions. More
2016-2019: MEAE Expertise
Higher Professional Training: how to promote long-term public-private partnerships for a better professional integration of graduates. Support diplomatic posts for the creation or implementation of public policies enabling the development of promising sectors with a view to economic development and employability in countries having a strategic importance for France: South Africa, Algeria, Egypt, India, Iran, Jordan, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Uruguay.
2016-2018 : CIEN
Business and Competitive Intelligence for Entrepreneurship. The objective of the project is to create a network grouping the universities of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and France aiming at developing knowledge and skills in the field of financial intelligence and of competitive watch - Business and Competitive Intelligence (BI and CI). More
Adoption of our prior experience recognition scheme (VAE) in Senegal
The Cnam provides support for Senegalese academic, political and financial actors for the implementation of a system for the recognition of prior learning (VAE) in Senegal. Funded by FSPI France, the AUF et the AFD, this project will ultimately provide a new access to diplomas and certifications to be proposed in addition and on a par with the traditional educational route, sandwich courses or continuing education.
2018-2021 : AMEL Morocco
Improvement of Lifelong Learning in Higher Education in Morocco. The aim of this project is to develop other facets of Lifelong Learning that are not very present in higher education in Morocco: validation of acquired knowledge, work-study dual system, digital and distance learning, legal framework for certification and professionalization of education. More
2018-2021 : GEOMAG Tunisia
Reinforcement in capacity of Geomatics applied to agriculture and the environment in Tunisia. In Tunisia, Geomatics as applied to agriculture and the environment is an absolute necessity more than anywhere else. The purpose of this project is to contribute to a better organization and optimization of the management of this sector and of the agricultural territory and the environment through better use of Geomatics in North Africa. More
2019-2022 : CONECTE Lebanon
Collaborative Network for Career-building, Training, and E-learning. The main aim of this project is to develop an active support for all students, young people and former graduates in Lebanon in their transition to the labor market and employment. The project deploys the first structure of training dedicated to work-based learning in Lebanon and will represent the first virtual collaborative platform between Lebanese universities. More
2019-2022 : FOSTWOM
Fostering Women to STEM MOOCs. Increase the number of women and girls who apply to STEM higher education, avoid tertiary female students dropout in STEM courses, promote distance learning courses and innovation tools to improve the creation of integrated digital environments in secondary and higher education, support the creation of MOOC courses with gender balance strategies (language, design, etc.), increase the information about attractive careers and research opportunities in STEM for woman and girls. More
2019-2022 : ArtIST
Integrated Interdisciplinary Education Module on Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science. ArtIST aim to design and implement an innovative module “Integrated Interdisciplinary Education Module on Art, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Science (ArtIST)” that will contribute to modernization of relevant STE(A)M subjects in multi-disciplinary programs, such as business, innovation and entrepreneurship. Building on methodology of innovation process and open innovation, we aim to develop STE(A)M courses supported with toolbox and online learning space associated with different stages of innovation process. Such, for example, creativity is important for idea generation, business and entrepreneurship and technology market knowledge on opportunity recognition stage, more art and design skills on development stage, and strong technology and engineering competence on production and maintenance stage.