Data Management

Code UE : HBB370

  • Cours + travaux pratiques
  • 3 crédits
  • Volume horaire de référence
    (+ ou - 10%) : 30 heures



Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

Entry requirements 
Good knowledge of mathematics, physics and English 
Relationship to other courses: 
HB300 – Information technology 
HB310 – navigation 
HB340 – Tides and currents 
HB350 – Geodesy & cartographic systems 
HB360 – Hydrographic surveying 
HB380 – Geology & cartographic systems 
HB390 – Legal aspect 
HB500 – Hydrographic practice 

Objectifs pédagogiques

Module Outline: 
  • Manual input of alphanumeric data 
  • Raster scanning processes and vector digitisation 
  • Description of digitising systems and scanners 
  • Georeferencing of paper maps 
  • Description of digital data formats 
  • Digital data transfer exercises 
Approximation and estimation 
  • Approximation and estimation procedures for survey measurements 
Spatial data processing & analysis 
  • The concepts of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 
  • The properties of spatial databases and Database Management Systems (DBMS) 
  • The concepts of raster and vector data, gridded and meshed models (including TINs) 
  • Spatial data selection algorithms: filtering, smoothing, approximation, estimation, correlation and analysis 
  • Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) 
  • The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) within the marine environment and their use in areas such as coastal zone management 
  • Graphic presentation of data from marine data bases 
  • Data and metadata management and nautical charting 
  • The electronic charting concept as a special form of GIS 
Visualization and presentation 
  • Cartographic semiology, colour theory and schemes, shading and illumination techniques 
  • Manual and automatic plotting and contouring of hydrographic data: resolution, scale and vertical exaggeration 
  • The use of vector and raster digitising and plotting systems 
  •  Hydrographic applications of 3D modelling and visualisation 
  • Chart compilation process and flow line 
  • Application in the production flow of the instructions of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO): 
  • Nautical charting & production; Chart Compilation 
The process involved in selecting soundings and features for the nautical chart from a hydrographic survey or other sources 
  • Assessing and maintaining data quality throughout the compilation process 
  • GNSS-based and ground survey techniques to delineate coastline and attached cultural features 
  • Coastline map creation with aerial photographs 
  • The use of Ground photography in the depiction of coastline topography 
  • Relation between tidal datums and charted shorelines 
  • Required hydrographic data for navigational publications (including tide tables, sailing directions, light lists, radio aids to navigation, port guides, and notice to Mariners) 
  • The process of creating chart plates from graphic products and from digital files 
  • Production of the Chart out of multiple plates 
From digital data to digital maps (on nautical devices and on the web) 
  • The importance of updating nautical charts and the dissemination of chart corrections 
  • The responsibilities of each element in the sequence from surveyor to mariner 
  •  Obtaining latest information and checking for old data 

Compétences visées

Learning Outcomes: 
  • To be able to create the required data types, part of a standard exchange format and to configure systems for secure storage, transfer and backup of survey data. 
  • To be able to use data cleaning techniques using appropriate software, while distinguishing between noise, outliers and real features as well as assessing propagated errors of survey data. 
  • Applying procedures used to assess, accept and reject data. 
  • Being able to apply spatial data processing techniques to create DTMs or gridded surfaces and contouring, as well as applying estimation procedures to assess survey measurements and volume computations. 
  • To explain the concepts of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs); raster and vector data models. 
  • To be able to use file types that support the exchange of hydrographic data to transfer data between acquisition, database and GIS environments. 
  • Explain the concept and use of GIS within the marine environment. 


Lecture 1 Analog data capture 
Lecture 2 Management, processing and analysis of spatial data 
Lecture 3 Marine GIS 
Lecture 4 Data presentation 
Lecture 5 Marine Cartography 
Lecture 6 Coastal Topography & Mapping 
Lecture 7 Publications 
Lecture 8 Chart Production / Reproduction of Analogue Maps 
Lecture 9 Digital Maps 
Lecture 10 Correction of Charts 

Modalité d'évaluation

Evaluation form  
Written examination, partly with multiple choice, partly with open questions. 
Fieldwork – permanent evaluation of the practical exercises 
Assessment methodology 
The final figure of assessment is composed of: 
50% (written examination) 
50% (permanent evaluation) 
Assessment criteria 
Permanent evaluation: this evaluation is based upon the training record book in relation to the number of tasks carried out and the comments of the supervisor(s) expressed in written in the book; workshops: proof of attendance: reports, exercises. 
Theory examination: quality of knowledge, insight, relation between subjects, … 

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants

Chargement du résultat...
Intitulé de la formation
Intitulé de la formation Bachelor océanographe prospecteur
Lieu(x) Initial
Lieu(x) Paris
Intitulé de la formation Type Modalité(s) Lieu(x)


Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.

Enseignement non encore programmé