Data Management
Code UE : HBB370
- Cours + travaux pratiques
- 3 crédits
- Volume horaire de référence
(+ ou - 10%) : 30 heures
Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis
Entry requirements
Good knowledge of mathematics, physics and English
Relationship to other courses:
HB300 – Information technology
HB310 – navigation
HB340 – Tides and currents
HB350 – Geodesy & cartographic systems
HB360 – Hydrographic surveying
HB380 – Geology & cartographic systems
HB390 – Legal aspect
HB500 – Hydrographic practice
Good knowledge of mathematics, physics and English
Relationship to other courses:
HB300 – Information technology
HB310 – navigation
HB340 – Tides and currents
HB350 – Geodesy & cartographic systems
HB360 – Hydrographic surveying
HB380 – Geology & cartographic systems
HB390 – Legal aspect
HB500 – Hydrographic practice
Objectifs pédagogiques
Module Outline:
- Manual input of alphanumeric data
- Raster scanning processes and vector digitisation
- Description of digitising systems and scanners
- Georeferencing of paper maps
- Description of digital data formats
- Digital data transfer exercises
- Approximation and estimation procedures for survey measurements
- The concepts of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- The properties of spatial databases and Database Management Systems (DBMS)
- The concepts of raster and vector data, gridded and meshed models (including TINs)
- Spatial data selection algorithms: filtering, smoothing, approximation, estimation, correlation and analysis
- Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
- The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) within the marine environment and their use in areas such as coastal zone management
- Graphic presentation of data from marine data bases
- Data and metadata management and nautical charting
- The electronic charting concept as a special form of GIS
- Cartographic semiology, colour theory and schemes, shading and illumination techniques
- Manual and automatic plotting and contouring of hydrographic data: resolution, scale and vertical exaggeration
- The use of vector and raster digitising and plotting systems
- Hydrographic applications of 3D modelling and visualisation
- Chart compilation process and flow line
- Application in the production flow of the instructions of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO):
- Nautical charting & production; Chart Compilation
- Assessing and maintaining data quality throughout the compilation process
- GNSS-based and ground survey techniques to delineate coastline and attached cultural features
- Coastline map creation with aerial photographs
- The use of Ground photography in the depiction of coastline topography
- Relation between tidal datums and charted shorelines
- Required hydrographic data for navigational publications (including tide tables, sailing directions, light lists, radio aids to navigation, port guides, and notice to Mariners)
- The process of creating chart plates from graphic products and from digital files
- Production of the Chart out of multiple plates
- The importance of updating nautical charts and the dissemination of chart corrections
- The responsibilities of each element in the sequence from surveyor to mariner
- Obtaining latest information and checking for old data
Compétences visées
Learning Outcomes:
- To be able to create the required data types, part of a standard exchange format and to configure systems for secure storage, transfer and backup of survey data.
- To be able to use data cleaning techniques using appropriate software, while distinguishing between noise, outliers and real features as well as assessing propagated errors of survey data.
- Applying procedures used to assess, accept and reject data.
- Being able to apply spatial data processing techniques to create DTMs or gridded surfaces and contouring, as well as applying estimation procedures to assess survey measurements and volume computations.
- To explain the concepts of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs); raster and vector data models.
- To be able to use file types that support the exchange of hydrographic data to transfer data between acquisition, database and GIS environments.
- Explain the concept and use of GIS within the marine environment.
Lecture 1 Analog data capture
Lecture 2 Management, processing and analysis of spatial data
Lecture 3 Marine GIS
Lecture 4 Data presentation
Lecture 5 Marine Cartography
Lecture 6 Coastal Topography & Mapping
Lecture 7 Publications
Lecture 8 Chart Production / Reproduction of Analogue Maps
Lecture 9 Digital Maps
Lecture 10 Correction of Charts
Lecture 2 Management, processing and analysis of spatial data
Lecture 3 Marine GIS
Lecture 4 Data presentation
Lecture 5 Marine Cartography
Lecture 6 Coastal Topography & Mapping
Lecture 7 Publications
Lecture 8 Chart Production / Reproduction of Analogue Maps
Lecture 9 Digital Maps
Lecture 10 Correction of Charts
Modalité d'évaluation
Evaluation form
Written examination, partly with multiple choice, partly with open questions.
Fieldwork – permanent evaluation of the practical exercises
Assessment methodology
The final figure of assessment is composed of:
50% (written examination)
50% (permanent evaluation)
Assessment criteria
Permanent evaluation: this evaluation is based upon the training record book in relation to the number of tasks carried out and the comments of the supervisor(s) expressed in written in the book; workshops: proof of attendance: reports, exercises.
Theory examination: quality of knowledge, insight, relation between subjects, …
Evaluation form
Written examination, partly with multiple choice, partly with open questions.
Fieldwork – permanent evaluation of the practical exercises
Assessment methodology
The final figure of assessment is composed of:
50% (written examination)
50% (permanent evaluation)
Assessment criteria
Permanent evaluation: this evaluation is based upon the training record book in relation to the number of tasks carried out and the comments of the supervisor(s) expressed in written in the book; workshops: proof of attendance: reports, exercises.
Theory examination: quality of knowledge, insight, relation between subjects, …
Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants
Rechercher une formation
Plus de critères de recherche sont proposés:
Vous pouvez sélectionner des formations, en recherchant une chaîne de caractères présente dans l’intitulé ou dans les index (discipline ou métier visé): ex: "documenta".
Des index sont suggérés à partir du 3e caractère saisi, mais vous pouvez aussi saisir librement tout autre mot . - Les différents items sélectionnés sont croisés.
ex: "Comptabilité" et "Région Grand Est"
- Cette recherche s'effectue à travers toutes les fiches formation, y compris régionales. Les codes de ces dernières se distinguent par le suffixe de la région (ex: «-PDL pour Pays-de-la-Loire» ).
Par défaut, les fiches régionales reprennent le contenu de la fiche nationale correspondante, mais dans certains cas, comportent des informations spécifiques. - Certains diplômes se déclinent selon plusieurs parcours (codés à la fin: A, B,...). Pour afficher tous les parcours, tapez la racine du code (ex : « LG035 »).
- Dans tous les cas, veillez à ne pas insérer d'espace ni de caractère séparateur.
Plus de critères de recherche sont proposés:
- Type de diplôme
- Niveau d'entrée
- Modalité de l'enseignement
- Programmation semestrielle
Chargement du résultat...
Intitulé de la formation |
Type |
Modalité(s) |
Lieu(x) |
Intitulé de la formation
Bachelor océanographe prospecteur
Intitulé de la formation | Type | Modalité(s) | Lieu(x) |
Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.
Enseignement non encore programmé
Code UE : HBB370
- Cours + travaux pratiques
- 3 crédits
- Volume horaire de référence
(+ ou - 10%) : 30 heures
Dans la même rubrique
- Accueil
- Actualités de la formation
- Comment se former et se financer?
- Rechercher par discipline
- Rechercher par métier
- Rechercher par région
- Catalogue national des formations
- Catalogue de la formation ouverte à distance
- Catalogue des stages
- Catalogue de l'alternance
- Valider ses acquis
- Notre engagement qualité
- Micro-certifications