Leadership and Change
Code UE : USII1E
- Cours
- 3 crédits
Olivier BASSO
Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis
- Bachelor’s Degree holder or equivalent
- 3 years of professional experience
- Proficiency in English: (TOEFL IBT 90 or IELTS: 6.5 or TOEIC 800)
- This module is in the MBA study track: Business Unit Management
L'avis des auditeurs
Les dernières réponses à l'enquête d'appréciation pour cet enseignement :
Objectifs pédagogiques
Many break points are driving change in today’s turbulent world. Technology rapidly evolves, climate changes, economies fluctuate, new social trends spring up, cultures converge, companies merge, competitions intensify, the whole world globalizes. To navigate effectively through change, we should be equipped with a precise map… but to what end when it comes to traveling uncharted territories? Within such a chaotic world, developing one’s inner compass becomes the real stake for aspiring leaders. When lost in the woods or drifting out to sea, a compass can save your life by pointing you in the right direction. In a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment, change has become an on-going process: individuals, teams, organizations need constantly to either adapt to new surprises or to proactively go for a new desired state. Change has become a major challenge for leaders: how to deal with it? Interestingly enough, a major part of research devoted to change and transformation within organizations has identified a strong linkage between the competence to manage change and the ability of the change agent to change oneself in the process. As acknowledged by a recent McKinsey article, «after years of collaborating in efforts to advance the practice of leadership and cultural transformation, we’ve become convinced that organizational change is inseparable from individual change. Simply put, change efforts often falter because individuals overlook the need to make fundamental changes in themselves ». Looking inward turns out to be vital when driving organizational change.
During this course, students will:
During this course, students will:
- Increase self-awareness and get more conscious of their built-in patterns of behaviors;
- Experience a more acute perception (intuition and facts) of their authentic leadership style;
- Discover new inner resources and learn how to tap into their emotional forces;
- Develop some specific leadership skills, e.g. interpersonal skills, decision-making in complex system environments…
- Increase their ability to model change processes and design strategies and tactics to improve managerial performance;
Compétences visées
Expected learning outcomes
a. New ways of knowing oneself and others (awareness)
b. Practical tools to develop one’s ability to lead oneself and others
c. Frameworks and tools to understand and manage change
a. New ways of knowing oneself and others (awareness)
b. Practical tools to develop one’s ability to lead oneself and others
c. Frameworks and tools to understand and manage change
The course is divided into two stages:
- Firstly, we prompt participants to improve their profile awareness and state awareness. Each participant assesses his/her personal strengths and capabilities as well as the impact of their preferred leadership styles to handle human relations in a variety of contexts. Step by step participants try to increase state awareness, that is, the ability to recognize what’s driving you at the moment you take action. Best sustainable leaders often demonstrate both profile awareness and state awareness. These capacities can develop into the ability to shift one’s inner state in real time. That leads to changing behavior when you can still modify the outcome, instead of looking back later with regret. It also means not overreacting to events because they are reminiscent of something in the past or evocative of something that might occur in the future.
- Second, we will dedicate some sessions to change management considered as a dynamic process. The focus will be placed on understanding how to plan and implement change in various organizations and other settings. Effective change management and organizational design (OD) strive to maximize the congruence between an organization's mission, goals, strategies, environment, technology, structure, processes, people, culture and reward systems. Managing successful change requires an understanding of the systemic interrelationships among these factors and how changes in one affect another. Within the context of this organizational complexity, the role of change agents appears to be key at various levels of the organization. They need integrative competencies and interpersonal skills required of individuals who initiate, manage and are affected by change. Managing change and OD is also a sense making and creative process; it requires the ability to discern new patterns and relationships both inside and outside the organization as well as openness to new ideas and possibilities.
- Firstly, we prompt participants to improve their profile awareness and state awareness. Each participant assesses his/her personal strengths and capabilities as well as the impact of their preferred leadership styles to handle human relations in a variety of contexts. Step by step participants try to increase state awareness, that is, the ability to recognize what’s driving you at the moment you take action. Best sustainable leaders often demonstrate both profile awareness and state awareness. These capacities can develop into the ability to shift one’s inner state in real time. That leads to changing behavior when you can still modify the outcome, instead of looking back later with regret. It also means not overreacting to events because they are reminiscent of something in the past or evocative of something that might occur in the future.
- Second, we will dedicate some sessions to change management considered as a dynamic process. The focus will be placed on understanding how to plan and implement change in various organizations and other settings. Effective change management and organizational design (OD) strive to maximize the congruence between an organization's mission, goals, strategies, environment, technology, structure, processes, people, culture and reward systems. Managing successful change requires an understanding of the systemic interrelationships among these factors and how changes in one affect another. Within the context of this organizational complexity, the role of change agents appears to be key at various levels of the organization. They need integrative competencies and interpersonal skills required of individuals who initiate, manage and are affected by change. Managing change and OD is also a sense making and creative process; it requires the ability to discern new patterns and relationships both inside and outside the organization as well as openness to new ideas and possibilities.
Modalité d'évaluation
- Contrôle continu
- Projet(s)
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Chargement du résultat...
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Type |
Modalité(s) |
Lieu(x) |
Intitulé de la formation
Executive MBA - Master of Business Administration
Intitulé de la formation | Type | Modalité(s) | Lieu(x) |
Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.
Enseignement non encore programmé
Code UE : USII1E
- Cours
- 3 crédits
Olivier BASSO
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