Professional Experience and Master Thesis

Code UE : UAMG0C

  • 15 crédits




To validate UAMG0C, students must: 
  • pass all classes of Master 2  
  • have at least 3 months of new professional activity, which could be either an internship or a job  
  • write a Master thesis  
  • pass the master thesis and its oral defense  
The Master's thesis analyzes a managerial issue related to the content of the Master's courses.
The student will benefit from double support: 
On the one hand, the student benefits from a series of methodological workshops: 
  • resources to formulate a managerial issue  
  • resources to do a literature review (research and documentation methodology) and a bibliography  
  • resources to analyze and interpret data (qualitative/quantitative methods of collection and analysis)  
  • resources to develop the thesis and prepare the oral defense
On the second hand, the student is supervised in parallel by a tutor who guides him/her throughout the Master thesis and the methodological workshops, to ensure the student's progress in a reactive and proactive manner. 

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants

Chargement du résultat...
Intitulé de la formation
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Initial
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Alternance
Lieu(x) Initial
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Initial
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Lieu(x) Package
Lieu(x) Paris
Intitulé de la formation Type Modalité(s) Lieu(x)


Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.

Enseignement non encore programmé